Baby Steps for Better Health: Eating More Fruits & Vegetables

With all the noise coming at us about what constitutes a healthy diet and all the stress that comes with living today, making healthier choices at the plate can feel like a chore. Annemarie Colbin, Ph

Q&A with NGI Alum Nina Curtis

Where did your food journey begin? It all began in the kitchen with my mom when I was eight years old. I am the eldest of four, so I needed to help out. My dad is a chef and I assisted him in his

Asian buckwheat noodle salad

Thinking 欧美三级片 Convenience

A breakfast sandwich from the street cart, a lunch slice from your neighborhood pizza joint, and a drive through meal on the way home. It鈥檚 cheap, readily available, and so convenient. The results are


Pantry Top Five Recipe Edition: Gomasio

What do I stock my pantry with when trying to live a healthy lifestyle? This is a common question that we often ask ourselves. Recently, I shared five pantry staples that are rooted in Japanese

Food for Thought

What do we need to eat to ensure optimal health? For most of us here in the United States, we鈥檝e been taught several different eating guidelines starting with the first official guide appearing in the

ginger root

New Beginnings: Small Efforts for a Healthy Lifestyle

We can reframe the conversation into the question: Do you desire to feel better, have more energy, be grounded, clear-headed and less worried? Setting aside self-criticism for what is already past is

Joining Forces: NGI and West Side Campaign Against Hunger

It鈥檚 one of the many reasons for NGI鈥檚 partnerships, including Wellness in the Schools, Union Square Greenmarket, and most recently, West Side Campaign Against Hunger. Known as WSCAH, this Upper West

Kayleigh Walsh

I Used My Taco Bell Scholarship to Study Healthy Cooking

That year, the Taco Bell Foundation awarded $1 million to 100 young adults, ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each. Recipients of this scholarship used the funds in a wide variety of studies including

Roasted Kabocha Squash Salad

Winter Produce Recipe: Roasted Kabocha Squash Salad

Brimming with bright colors and playful textures, this festive salad will beautifully complement your holiday table. Choose a blemish-free kabocha that has a dry stem and is heavy for its size. No

5 Substitutions to Try for Vegetarian Awareness Month

Chef instructors and students at NGI were continuously testing the best substitutions for flavorful vegetarian recipes. There was even a quest for the best egg substitution for baking cookies. Read on

Finding Meaning in Facing Chronic Disease

I鈥檓 reluctant to subscribe to the old adage 鈥渆verything happens for a reason鈥; but in this situation, I have found a reason 鈥 or rather meaning 鈥 in being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at 23. I

NGI's Trip to Long Island's North Fork 2017

Long Island鈥檚 Suffolk County is the largest agricultural producer in New York State, and a major part of this is due to the bountiful North Fork peninsula: surrounded by water on three sides and

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